Terrific Tuesday Trials: Industrious

This week the theme for Terrific Tuesday Trials is ‘Industrious’.


“Some temptations come to the industrious, but all temptations attack the idle.” – Charles Spurgeon

 In an age of instant gratification (if one has the means…) it becomes difficult to reconcile the present generation with the virtues of rewards earned with hardwork and patience. Here as ever I find the best lessons are learnt from Mother Nature. An energetic pair of weaver birds building their nest and another nestled content in it’s finished one are a shining example of ‘Industrious‘ hardwork and fruits of patience to me. Shot taken on a recent visit to the Jim Corbett National Park. This time in Week 5 of Triple T showcase ‘Industrious‘ to inspire and encourage us to be more hardworking and patient in our lives.

Past week featured varied entrances but bridges seemed a hot favourite! We had quite a few shares over under and over the bridge shots… Also were some interesting stories (hofje..) behind the doors featured..check them all out at Week 4 ‘Entrance’. Here are few picks from the lot. Enjoy!

Travel With Intent: Entrance with character…desolation or age old weariness? You decide…

FunFamilyFeats: The ‘Gates to Paradise’ shot beautifully amongst others…

HHC Blog: Checkout the entrance with a different viewpoint.. Featured for cool experimentation with the theme!

Hot Cup of Kaapi: A fort I never knew existed in Mumbai..click on the pic to see the full size shot of Portuguese architectural style.

Cee’s Photography: Perfect shot composition…

The Lab Instructions to joining Terrific Tuesday Trials at LenzExperiments.

1. A theme for the challenge will be up every Tuesday.

2. Grab your cam, go out and experiment…or root around your shoebox…you have all week till Monday.  The aim is to share with each other shot(s) taken in the spirit of experimentation, or those that gave you the ‘Eureka‘ moments.

3. Create a post with your shot(s). Give some history to the shots…I’d LOVE to hear what made them special to YOU. (This is aim plus folks…just putting up the shots will do too!)

4. Add a link to your post in my comment box of the weekly post & share your discoveries with the world. To help me and everyone else reach your post easily title it Terrific Tuesday Trials: ‘Theme’.  A ‘Triple T’  tag would help too.

I’ll drop by your post for sure. And in the subsequent week’s post I’ll feature the exceptionally inspiring experiments. You’ve already seen the Challenge badge/token, feel free to save and put up! Looking forward to some lighting strikes folks…



Terrific Tuesday Trials at LenzExperiments

26 thoughts on “Terrific Tuesday Trials: Industrious

  1. Hey Preeti I’m guessing you are away as all has gone quiet here. But I hope you come back soon as I’ve really enjoyed this photo session. It’s been very inspiring. Lizard.

  2. Preeti, thank you for featuring me. I am so happy 😉
    I just came back from a 10 day trip so I will skip this week’s challenge. ;-( Looking forward to seeing the next one!

  3. Pingback: George the Dog (and John the Artist too) | Travel with Intent

    • The weaver birds were shot as they inspired…& Spurgeon was wiser than me certainly …I can never come up with such worldly wisdom quotes on my own! 🙂

  4. Pingback: Terrific Tuesday Trials: Industrious | Middleton Road

  5. Pingback: Fishermen | Foto Challenge

  6. Pingback: Terrific Tuesday Trials: Industrious | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

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