Nominated?!! Moi….

OMG! Nominated for a blogger ‘AWARD’!

Patricia Moed at Pilot Fish has kindly nominated my blog for the Liebster Award, given to praise-worthy blogs with under 200 followers. Wow! Humbled. Firstly, by the fact that she thinks my photos and ramblings are worth a second look and secondly, by the fact that she thinks my efforts are praiseworthy.

“One can’t be on the topmost rung of a ladder from before, it takes time to reach it, to climb it, one at a time.” – Chirag Tulsiani
Thanks Patti for putting me on the first one…


I came across Patricia’s blog courtesy her amazing entries to the Daily post’s Weekly Photo Challenge. Folks Patricia’s  really is accomplished…here’s what has to say about her & I quote, “P.A. Moed is an award-winning creative artist, who has worked as a university professor, writer, textbook editor, photographer, fearless culinary adventurer, corporate trainer, and instructional designer. A passionate advocate for the underdog (I agree, she nominated ME folks! ) she finds inspiration in places where the personal and political meet.  A recipient of writing fellowships at The Vermont Studio Center and Ragdale, she won the grand prize in 2006 Travel Writing Contest sponsored by Conde Nast and” Like I said. Humbled. Thanks Patti. In the words of Ruth Gordon, “I can’t tell ya how encouragin’ a thing like this is.” (Yup!I just quoted from an Oscar winning actress’s acceptance speech! ).

10 Questions about me.

1.  What was your first job? During high school summer vacations I volunteered to teach computer basics to younger children of my neighbourhood. (The young uns were pretty soon tutoring me! )

2. Why did you start blogging? Just as photography is becoming about self growth for me, so is sharing this experience with others. Both are forms of expression that I feel keen to explore. (More on this here.)

3. What kind of family did you grow up in? An awesome one! We’re three boisterous siblings to my darling patient Mother and our Hero, Dad. Sports, literature and travelling have been part of our staple diet since I can remember. A bit of do-it-all-ers (attention grabbing technique to steal Mom’s Kudos) we are each others strengths (and weaknesses too I guess…). Love ’em, won’t ever leave ’em….

4. What is the best present you’ve ever received? My iPod, a gift from my husband on our first Valentine’s after we married.

5. Tell us one guilty secret. I love to read sci-fi ebooks.(My husband was horrified to find out he married a sci-fi reading geek)  Honour Harrington Series (Honourverse)…my all time fav.

6. What is your favorite place that you’ve ever visited? South Africa. I am in LOVE with the ‘Garden Route’

7. What is your favorite movie? ‘Sholay’ (It’s got to be Bollywood!)

8. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? The Moon (well it did say anywhere…) I am in awe of all the shots of earth from space. Also something about the idea of sitting on the moon, gazing up at earth appeals to me tremendously!

9. Are you a cat or dog person? Fascinated by the wild cats after my Safari trip to Masai Mara and in love with dogs… still trying to convince my husband to get one for us!

10. Your favorite book? Impossible question! I’ve been drowning in books since I was a scrawny little lass….but some of my favourites are, My Experiments with Truth (M.K.Gandhi), Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen), Wuthering Heights (Emily Bronte), To Kill a Mocking Bird (Harper Lee).

Done! Next, Nominees– if you decide to accept, here are the rules:

1. Thank the person who nominated you and link to their blog.

2. You must answer the 10 questions given to you by the nominee before you.

3. You must nominate 10 of your favorite blogs with fewer than 200 followers and notify them of their nomination.

4. You must come up with 10 questions for your nominees to answer or you can answer the questions above.

That done, now my nominees (should they choose to accept!) for the Liebster are:

Folks I enjoyed going through all your blogs and look forward to more sharing from your sides! In the words of Lady Dame Honor Stephanie Alexander-Harrington, Admiral RMN Fleet…”Lets be about it, people.”! And Patricia thanks again.

P.S. The shot above is of an impossibly long escalator taken at a metro station in Rome. We’d just taken a ride back in the last train, it was past 12:30 pm at we were bushed after a long day of walking around the sights. And this wasn’t working… Sure were a ton of rungs to be climbed just to get back to our B&B! Also I am (shamefacedly…) submitting this post for the ZerotoHero Day 4 Challenge “Explore your neighbourhood.” (Thou shalt not procrastinate again!)

References: Thanks ,

7 thoughts on “Nominated?!! Moi….

  1. Wow I wish Amazon would write my C.V. too! I don’t know what you’ve done but they love you! Plus I like your blog! Simple and really cool. I ‘m going to go ahead and follow you cause I’m intrigued as to which great technological company will hold you in high esteem next.

    • Oh dear! I think there is some confusion! The C.V. is of Patricia A Moed (Her blog is ‘ Pilot Fish’). She has nominated my blog (the one I am posting on) for the ‘Liebster Award’….kind of like a school merit certificate (but way cooler!) for new up coming blogs. So the CV on Amazon…not mine!(unfortunately!). But thanks a ton for liking my posts and for the ‘follow’ (not creepy…this is blogverse..). I appreciate it! Watch this space for more upcoming stuff!

  2. Congratulations…I really like the photo, and the way you processed it – wonderful. And I’d be with you on both cats and dogs, and not being able to choose a book, and I bet I’d totally love the Garden Route in S. Africa…but we part company on the science fiction! 🙂 Thanks for the follow – I appreciate it! Now I’ll look around some more…

    • Thanks for dropping by. I’m glad about the post processing, I usually do a sloppy job of it. And give sci-fi a try, who knows it may ‘grow’ on you!

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