BFFs?? Sure!

You can always tell they’re best friends..because they are having more fun than it makes sense for them to be having!

Nope it’s not me and the love of my life, my husband…..its OUR FEET! BFFs! Boldly going where (possibly) several pairs of feet have gone together…The Daily Post asked us “What’s the most important lesson you’ve learned from the person you’re the closest to?”

Well my feet have learnt from his, that it’s more fun to wander around in company than alone!!

P.S. To those grossed out by my ‘foot fetish photography’, I apologise… but you’ll have to put up with it from time to time 😀 Also I had these photos and a Foot Photography gallery kinda idea floating in my head for sometime now….I posted one feet click in an earlier post (‘Art’ is it?!!…) that I modified a bit today. So for day 26 and 27 of ZeroToHero I think I’ve done some justice…

16 thoughts on “BFFs?? Sure!

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  9. Pingback: When a Polaroid Was Instant Gratification | Vanishing Austin

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